We are officially-certified panel physicians in Kitchener, Ontario. We do:
Immigration Medical Examinations for Canada & New Zealand
“Streamlined” IMEs
Clients with prior CUAET Medical Diagnostic Tests - Please contact our office to confirm you need a repeat IME medical exam prior to booking your appointment.
Please note we do not do “Medical Surveillance Undertakings”. See our FAQs for details.
We can only provide exams for people who live in Canada. If you live elsewhere, you must see a panel physician in your country of residence.
• Convenient - All tests are done on location in one visit.
• Accessible- We speak English, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Korean, Amharic, Tigrinya, French & Kurdish. Call 519-748-8510 or email info@imemed.ca for details.
若需要中文体检服务,请Email info@imemed.ca
info@imemed.ca :لاجراء فحصك الطبي باللغة العربية راسلنا على
हिंदी में अपॉइंटमेंट के लिए कृपया ईमेल करें, info@imemed.ca
मराठीत भेटीसाठी, कृपया ईमेल करा: info@imemed.ca
한국어로 편안하게 이민/비자 신체검사 받으실수 있습니다. info@imemed.ca 로 예약하세요.
አማርኛ ከሚናገር ዶክተር ጋር ቀጠሮ ለመያዝ ከፈለጉ በ info@imemed.ca ኢሜይል ያድርጉልን
ምስ ትግርኛ ዝዛረብ ሓኪም ቆጸራ ክትሕዙ ምስ እትደልዩ info@imemed.ca ኢመይል ግበሩልና
Pour faire votre examen médical en Français veuillez nous contacter par ce courriel: info@imemed.ca
• Experienced - Our office has been open 20+ years. We know how to successfully manage your immigration medical exam.
• Competitive Pricing - We are one of the best in Ontario.
• Rapid - We do electronic submission of files within 1 week.
• Centrally Located - We are within a 60 minute drive of Guelph, Milton, Mississauga, Hamilton, London, Burlington & West Toronto.